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Isojiman creates some of the best Sake. Its Ginjo has become well-known in recent years thanks to winning the IWC Championship's ginjo group a couple of times.
Best time to enjoy them! Please keep them in freezing cold storage -5 to 5 degrees!
磯自慢(いそじまん)「吟醸」山田錦酒友 秘蔵寒造り
使用米 |
麹米、兵庫県東条町産特等・特上山田錦50%精米 掛米、兵庫県東条町産特等・特上山田錦55%精米 |
使用酵母 | 自社保存酵母 |
アルコール度 | 15度以上16度未満 |
日本酒度 | +6~+7 |
酸度 | 1.1 |
容量 | 1800ml |
価格 |
磯自慢(いそじまん)「吟醸」山田錦酒友 秘蔵寒造り
◆創業185年 焼津唯一の酒蔵、磯自慢酒蔵
Isojiman Shuzo was established in Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture in 1830 (Tenpo Era, First year).
Like many sake breweries established in Edo Period, the owner of Isojiman Shuzo was a major landowner in Yaizu, and possibly the village headman. In those days, major landowners as village heads would use their land for the collection and transport of the annual rice tax, and use the rice tax as payment for wages to the samurais and circulated rice distribution in market. In the process, it was common for surplus rice to emerge, and be used to produce sake of high commercial value.
In other words, the major landowners and village heads would engage in farm management as theirmain business, and then brew sake during the agricultural off-season in winter. However, this management form ended with the farmland liberation policy carried out by the postwar GHQ, and sake brewing as a secondary job became the principal occupation. In those days, there were many small breweries, as many as one brewery for one village. However, they were consolidated under the guidance of the Finance Ministry at the time.
After the postwar confusion, Japan entered into a period of high economic growth. While younger generations of Japanese are only familiar with Japan after the burst of the “bubble”, Japan’s economy soared for a long time after the war. In those days, sake consumption continued to increase as if linked to the economy so that even major manufacturers would say “Sake production can’t keep up with consumption.” “Vat purchasing” system was invented where major manufactures could purchase and blend whole vats of sake brewed by local sake breweries, add sugars and adjust the taste, and then sell the sake under their own brands. This system was advantageous for the local sake breweries. The breweries only needed to brew the sake and the major manufacturers would buy them. The brewery did not need to carry out reserch to improve quality, or marketing efforts such as advertising. With the exception of a few famous local sake breweries, most local breweries heavily relied on vat purchasing. These conditions continued for a long time.