

Craft Series【稲とアガベ  甲州 紅の夢】500ml
Craft Series【稲とアガベ  甲州 紅の夢】500ml
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Load image into Gallery viewer, Craft Series【稲とアガベ  甲州 紅の夢】500ml

Craft Series【稲とアガベ 甲州 紅の夢】500ml


Regular price $150.00 Sale price $160.00

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Craft Series「稲とアガベ  甲州 紅の夢」

◆Director's Recommendation

From the brewery that made this 花風. Sake license is hard to get these days, and hence these majestic 'Sake' that is brewed together with apple or grapes.

Unlike any other fruit liquor, this is done through natural fermentation of a mixture of rice and fruits. The result is, for instance, extra acidity in Sake (from Apple).

These are not cheap, but for any seasoned Sake drinker, not to be missed.   

使用米 秋田米、米麹、ホップ 90%
アルコール度 14度
容量 500ml


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